Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miracle Face Transplant

Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic performed a 22-hour procedure to transport 80 percent of a face. It included eyelids, bone, teeth, and a nose. The surgery a first for the United States, took place sometime in the past couple of weeks and repaired the face of a female patient using facial tissue from a dead female donor. It is only the world's fourth face transplant operation, and it may be the most extensive surgery to take place. Dr. Maria Siemionow, who led the team of eight surgeons that performed the operation, held a press conference on Wednesday. Siemionow said that the trauma had caused the patient to be blind in one eye, and she had lost both her sense of smell and sense of taste to the injury. It also caused her trouble in speaking.The facial transplant gave her a new chance to live a normal life.
I feel that a facial transplant performed here in the United States is almost like something out of a sci-fi book or something. Only four have been done so that tells you how difficult it is to perform. I wonder how this will change the medical world. Will other surgeons learn this procedure to extend their practice? Will more people be willing to do a face transplant? These are questions that will should be answered in the near future. I think it is a giant leap for the medical world. This could be something that could change lives, and give second chances.

Scant- Barely amounted to as much as indicated.
Recipient- A person or thing that recieves.
Transplantation- From one person or animal to another.

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